Bollywood Garam: Veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty’s son Mahakshay Chakraborty aka Mimoh is all set to shine with his upcoming Bollywood flick ‘Haunted’. Haunted reportedly will be India’s first 3D film, and Mahakshay is said to have dared to do many of the stunts of Haunted 3D himself. Looks like junior is walking into to papa’s shoes pretty well.

Mimoh this time is well prepared for the film to woo the audience with his dare devil stunts. Director Abbas Ali Moghul and the rest of the crew members had suggested that a body double should be used for the stunts, but the actor was keen on doing the stunts himself – much the same as Mithun Da.

The director said that there was a scene where Mimoh had to slide from the floor, just before the chandelier crashed on the floor. Abbas added that Mimoh decided to do the scene himself and refused to use a body double.

However, the crew members on the set as well as the director were really worried for Mimoh. When Mahakshay was asked about his stuntmen experience, he proudly said that he had a great time shooting for the stunts, he did have a few swellings but is happy that the scene came out just exactly the director wanted it. For Haunted 3D, the young lad had shed a lot of weight.

Mahakshay Chakraborty comes out of the Bollywood’s box of star kids, who are ready to shine in the future. Other star kids who have made their mark in Bollywood are Ranbir Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha, Sonam Kapoor, Abishekh Bachchan and there are many more to come.