Bollywood Garam: Bollywood hunk Shahid Kapoor will soon be seen in a fresh role, which will be jam packed with action. The director of Kapoor’s upcoming film Siddharth Anand, has said that the movie will be an action flick. However, certain sources from the production house have said that the movie will be a remake of the Hollywood movie Knight and Day.

A newspaper had reported on 17th April that Shahid will be stepping in to the shoes of Tom Cruise, who had starred in Knight and Day. The report also said that the movie will be produced by Tips production house of Ramesh Taurani.

The director of the film Anand had confirmed the news saying that Shahid will be venturing into an action movie for the first time, but at the same time he denied the news that the movie has some resemblance with the Hollywood movie. Sources from the production had said that the movie was so close to the Knight and Day that the makers are even thinking of purchasing the rights from the Hollywood makers.

Anand said that it is action movie with an original idea. On the other hand producer, Taurani contradicted Anand’s statement and said that they are making a romantic movie and not an action movie.

Well we just hope the makers of the movie make a final decision on the story of the movie, spare us the drama and give us some great entertainment.