Bollywood Garam: Indian style icon and one of the hottest item girls of Bollywood, Malaika Arora Khan was recently caught in an awkward situation. The actress was seen stuck in those tight skin fitting black trousers, which was paired with a golden top and saw the lady struggling to keep herself comfy in those pants. Critics say this is Bollywood’s latest wardrobe malfunction incident.

Photo Credit: NDTV

Malaika was invited to be the showstopper of a fashion show organized to launch the Audi Sportsback on Saturday. The outfit that was worn by Malaika did not seem like they were made for the actress. The never-before-seen flab of the actress bulged out and looked unimpressive, and the Chaiya Chaiya girl’s discomfort was visible to all. She looked like she was force to wear something that was not her size.

Throughout the event, Mrs Khan did not seem comfortable in the out fit. It was also noticed that the actress had to hold on to the trousers and had to make several adjustments, and most of her pictures see the actress holding on to those black pants.

It was definitely a bad outfit day for the actress, who could not help herself because of the defective out fit. The actress is otherwise quite famous for her mini skirts and gravity defying dresses, and this outfit was definitely not her cup of tea.

Malaika has made her presence felt in the industry with several item numbers in her name. The most recent one is the ‘Munni Badnaam Hui’ song that had created waves among the audience. Malaika is married to Arbaaz Khan and also has a son Arhaan, but the actress has still kept herself fit in order to maintain her status and demand in the industry.