Bollywood Garam: Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s movie ‘Shaitan’ is all set to bring some fresh and unique content for the audience. After Kalki Koechlin and Kirti Kulhari’s lip lock in the movie, director Bejoy Nambiar went a step ahead and made the male co-stars Shiv Pandit and Neil Bhoopalam engaged in some heavy same-sex kissing.

While talking about the scene, Shiv said that there was no way he could have done the scene if he was informed about it earlier. The actor said that if he was told about the scene, then he would have probably refused to sign up for the role.

Kalki and Kirti had already done a lesbian-style kissing scene and thankfully Shiv had got some inspiration from them. Shiv said that out of nowhere, the director came up and told to do the scene. Every thing wrapped up within seconds, and he was happy to get over with it.

After the director said ‘cut’, the actor allegedly ran to the bathroom and washed his face and gargled his mouth.

Shiv Pandit  is gong to make his Bollywood debut and told the media that his friends and family were fully supportive towards him and did not even tease him. He added that he appreciated all the support he received, but at the same time he made it clear that the scene does not mean that he personally believed in the same sex idea, and it was just for the movie.


  1. ‘he made it clear that the scene does not mean that he personally believed in the same sex idea…’…wtf!..who knew that the guy was a homophobe!!

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