Bollywood Garam: Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan was miffed after he  heard reports that he has his split from his gorgeous wife Malaika Arora Khan. Arbaaz fired at all those who spread the rumours of the split between the couple, with the help of social network.

The couple was in fact recently together in Galaxy Apartments, dining with father Salim Khan and sister Alvira Agnihotri. Arbaaz took to micro blogging and said that he was very upset over the reports that were a part of some gossip column.

The ‘Hello Brother’ actor made it clear that he did not have to validate his relationship with his wife every time. When the close friends of the couple were interviewed, they said even they were surprised over the reports and wondered who was responsible for spreading the false rumours.

Earlier, there were reports that Malaika had left Arbaaz’s house and was living with her mother. It was also alleged that the couple had a major fight after which they were not in taking terms and that Malaika is under depression and keeping herself aloof from her friends. The friends had confirmed that the couple is very much together with no personal issues between them and that Bollywood item-girl Malaika is very happy with her family and not gong through any depression.