Bollywood Garam: Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan is leaving no stone unturned to make his ambitious movie ‘Ra.One’ a success among the youngsters. The actor turned producer is planning to make the movie in 3D. But if  rumour is to be believed, then Shahrukh has not yet taken the final decision.

During the launch of the theatrical trailer of the movie in Mumbai, the actor had spoken of converting certain parts of the movie in 3D. But if a 3D movie is planned, then the whole movie has to be shot with a different camera.

Ra.One has already been shot with 2D cameras and so it is now impossible to convert the whole thing in to 3D. Now the actor is trying to fish out different technologies to convert certain parts of the movie in 3D.

While talking to reporters, the ‘Don‘ actor said that there are certain technologies that would help certain parts to convert in to 3D. The ‘Om Shanti Om’ actor added that the creative team behind this task is not sure about the final output of the 3D scenes, and that  the final outcome will be known within a few days and if it works out then it will surely attract the young audience.

‘Ra.One’ is scheduled to be released in the month of October.