Bollywood Garam: Bollywood actress Karishma Kapoor, who had vanished from the industry after she decided to look after her family, is all set to return to the silver screens. The actress will be seen in Vikram Bhatt’s next ‘Dangerous Ishq’ which will also be in 3D.

Seems like Bhatt has gained confidence after the success of ‘Haunted 3D’. Kapoor was last seen in the movie ‘Mere Jeevan Sathi’, which had released in the year 2006 and has taken a break ever since.

While talking about the movie, Vikram said that the actress was impressed the first time he had narrated the story to her. The director said that the movie is a woman-centric one, where Karishma will be playing the lead role.

The movie ‘Dangerous Ishq’ is based on past life regression and is a super natural thriller. The movie will go on floors in the month of September in 2011. Karishma had almost stopped working after she had got married to businessman Sanjay Kapur in the year 2003. The actress said that she would be working on a role that she has never done before. Karishma even added that working in 3D format would be a new experience for her.

Karishma is also a mother to daughter Samaira, born in 2003 and Kiaan, who was born in 2010.