Bollywood Garam: Actor Abhishek Bachchan recently got hurt while he was shooting for his movie ‘Bol Bachchan’. The actor has injured his forehead and has also received six stitches.

During the shoot, Abhishek had fallen off a rickshaw during the shoot, after which the director Rohit Shetty called it a night. Shetty has said that the actor is fine, but will be carrying a scar on his face.

The movie ‘Bol Bachchan’ includes the cast of Archana Puran Singh, Ajay Devgn, Asin and Prachi Desai. The movie has been produced by Ajay and has been written as well as directed by Shetty.

Earlier, the movie was supposed to be released by 2011 Diwali festival, but now the release of the movie has been postponed to July 2012. Shetty was planning to do ‘Golmaal 4’, but it was Ajay, who had insisted that there should be a gap of at least two years between the ‘Golmaal’ movies. The makers of the film had announced that the movie will be a tribute to the original ‘Gol Maal’ which was released in the year 1979.

In the film, Abhishek will be playing the role of Ram Prasad, which was done by Amol Palekar in the original film.