Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor was recently upset over the reports of the lip lock between him and actress Anushka Sharma in a party thrown by actor Imran Khan. Kapoor took his Twitter account and had expressed his anger over the unnecessary sensation created by the journalists.

Shahid had said that the story was extremely distasteful and the journalists have to learn to draw the line between imagination and reality. The ‘Jab We Met’ actor said that it was sad, unfair and had made him angry.

Shahid then continued tweeting and added that if nothing else they need to respect the dignity of the girl. The actor had also said that he usually does not react to such stories but this one was bit too much.

Kapoor had reacted over the reports that Anushka and Shahid were caught red handed kissing while in the party thrown by Imran for the success of his movie ‘Mere Brother Ki Dulhan’. The reports had went on to add that the two were uncontrollably kissing each other and had made the other guests uncomfortable. Things had gone so out of control that Shahid and Anushka had to be interfered by another guest in the party by warning them the journalists were downstairs.