South super star Rajinikanth after fulfilling his promise of a cameo in the movie ‘Ra.One’, will also be appearing with Bollywood star Aamir Khan. Aamir and Rajinikanth have been roped in for an ad campaign which would create an awareness for the importance of nutrition among the children in the rural areas in India.

Rajini has in 20 years not appeared in advertisements, but has agreed to do it as it is for a good cause. The last time Aamir and Rajini had shared the screen space was in the movie ‘Aatank Hi Aatank’ in the year 1995.

A special awareness campaign has been initiated by the Health Ministry for which the two icons have been roped in. The advertisement campaign is about the deaths of the children in the rural areas due to lack of nutrition specially in the rural areas.

The actor who is considered as God by several of his fans, does not endorse any products and the actor had readily agreed to do the campaign as it was for a good cause. Some of the people have even said that this association between Aamir and Rajini might even end up in a huge project for the future. Reports have said that Aamir and Rajini have planned a lot to do in the future.