Bollywood’s iconic star, Aamir Khan and wife Kiran Rao on December 1, 2011 became parents to a baby boy. But the couple like their films, have in real life too made a difference by getting a baby through IVF surrogacy.

Aamir on December 5, 2011 came out in open and announced that he and his wife have been blessed with a baby boy that was born through an IVF surrogacy. Khan was candid about the surrogacy despite the fact that there isn’t yet a law for legalized surrogacy.

Aamir issued a statement to the media on Monday, saying that he was thankful to the miracles of science and thanked friends and family who helped in maintaining the secrecy. In India, though people go through the procedure in secret, but do not open out.

Aamir on the other hand has set an example and has given a message that surrogacy is also an option for the couples who have problems in having kids due to medical complications. The endorsement of Aamir is surely going to be portrayed in a positive way and appeal to the infertile couples to also have a thought on this procedure. Khan has shown a new method for family building that can be widely accepted.