Bollywood Garam: It’s baby time in Bollywood! Walking into Aishwarya Rai’s footsteps are Lara Dutta and Shilpa Shetty and Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has finally announced her pregnancy. Shetty took her Twitter account and announced that she is expecting her first child with Raj Kundra.

The ‘Phir Milenge’ actress said on Twitter that it is a confirmation from her side for all the queries and also seeks blessings from everyone in this beautiful phase of their lives. Shilpa got married to businessman Raj Kundra in the year 2009.

Earlier this year, the actress suffered a miscarriage. Soon after Shilpa’s message, the actress was flooded with congratulatory messages from her fans and other celebrities from the film fraternity including director Ken Ghosh.

The 36-year-old actress started off her career in Bollywood with the movie ‘Baazigar’ starring Shahrukh Khan and Kajol. Meanwhile, actress Lara Dutta is nearing the final stages of her pregnancy. Recently Celina Jaitley too announced hat she is expecting twins. If that’s not all,  actor Aamir Khan too announced that he and his wife Kiran Rao are now parents to a baby boy. Aamir on Twitter also announced the name of his son Azad Rao Khan.

On November 16, 2011 Aishwarya Rai gave birth to a baby girl, but the actress and husband Abhishek are yet to announce the name of their first child or reveal an official photo.