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Indian stand-up comedian Bharti Singh, known as the only female comedian in the male dominated field, has found her soul mate and wishes to get married by the end of 2016. The actress and comedian recently revealed that she is Harsh Limbachiyaa, who produces various comedy shows on TV.
Singh in an interview confessed that she has finally found the man of her dreams and intends to get married in 2016. The actress might be a comedian by profession but added that she wishes to lead life of a typical housewife. Singh in the interview expressed, “Since my profession is to make people laugh, usually people assume that whatever I speak, it is meant for a joke. But that’s not true.
The actress while talking about her life partner said that she wants him to understand her and listen to her as in reality she likes talk a lot. Bharti added that like every girl, she too wishes to get married and that her parents too want her to get married as soon as possible. The actress was also asked if she would like to continue to make people laugh after marriage, Bharti replied she would concentrate more on her personal life and if given a chance she would like to work less and be more of a housewife.

Photo Credits: Viral Bhayani