
Upcoming Bollywood movie ‘Raqt’ was recently premiered at a star studded event by hosts Ashish and Amit Mishra. The director duo of the movie was congratulated by actor Arshad Warsi who attended the premiere along with his wife Maria Goretti.


Other celebrities who were also a part of the premiere include Arjun Mahajan, Shakti Kapoor, Haya Sehgal, Ravi Kishan, Indra Kumar, Murali Sharma, Aruna Irani, Harsh Chhaya, Daboo Malik, Kunika Sadanand, Sunil Agnihotri, Abhishek Awasthi, Ajay Mago and Premal Goragandhi. More celebrities who were also the part of the event included Sunil Pal, Ali Irani, Pradeep Rawat, Pitobash and Sahila Chaddha. The movie is a musical thriller which will be released on September 27, 2013.

Photo Credits: Parda Phash