Bollywood Garam: Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor may have launched her career with the infamous movies “Saawariya” and “Delhi-6”, not many people know that she was around 90kgs before becoming a part of Bollywood. Surprised? Well don’t be! It seems that she had a problem in maintaining her weight due to her obsession with food. Later on, when the daughter of actor Anil Kapoor decided that she wants to enter Bollywood, the “Aisha” actress shed more than 25 kilos to look “thin”. Fans really are amazed by the radical weight loss, but despite this big feat, many feel that Sonam has not taken care of her looks and the actress seems to be looking pretty ragged.

In the picture above, Sonam maybe fat (left), but in her “thin” picture (right), we can see just how the youthfulness of her looks seems to be degrading as compared to the way she looked earlier.

This photo shows the Real Sonam Kapoor – as she really looks without make-up, not so pretty we must say. This is an indication of “true beauty”? (Not very garam Sonam)

Our advice? Sonam please do something about those puffy eyes instead of adding eye makeup and covering it up. And what’s with those fat arms? (below)


  1. Sonam is so ugly without makeup…She isn’t a natural beauty like Katrina Kaif… and yes, those arms are so FAT…….

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