Bollywood Garam: The cute and chubby looking actress Radhika Apte, recently cleared reports of her being linked with actor Tusshar Kapoor. Some time back, Tusshar had allegedly confessed in an interview that he and Radhika are very close to each other and that they share a good rapport. On the other hand, Radhika reportedly begs to differ?

Tusshar, who has also done many intimate scenes with Radhika in the movie ‘ Shor In The City’, had said that he and Radhika hung around on the sets and are close friends too. After Tusshar’s confession, everyone kept talking about their relationship and the gossip mills worked over time in churning out stories that the two are lovers.

When Radhika was asked about her proximity with her co-star, the actress said that she and Tusshar are not even good friends and there is nothing brewing between them. Moreover, reports had also said that sister Ekta did not like the proximity of Radhika towards Tusshar.

Radhika has a few films due for release, but is planning to take a break from movies, as she is currently doing a dance course in London. The actress was last seen in ‘Rakhta Charitra’ 1 and 2. Apart from ‘Shor In The City’ the actress is also waiting for her movie ‘I Am’ to release.

Shor In The City has got mixed reviews ever since it’s release but many critics have commended Radhika’s performance in the movie.