After a brief separation and also some reports of seeking legal separation, Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor recently got back to her husband Sunjay Kapoor in Delhi. Reports have said that the actress recently spent the Diwali festival with her husband, who is a businessman based in Delhi along with her kids Samaira and Kian.

Karisma had left Sunjay after she had come to know about her husband’s closeness with a socialite based in Delhi. Later the actress had left Delhi and came back to Mumbai at her residence in Bandra area along with her kids.

Karisma and Sanjay had got married in the year 2003 and problems had started in the marriage when Karisma was expecting her second child. The actress had even filed for legal separation in 2010.

But now it seems like the ‘Shakti’ actress has decided to leave behind her past. Some of the close friends have said that they are in a mood to get back together once again. Meanwhile, the actress is also trying to get back in to films and has already started with Vikram Bhatt’s ‘Dangerous Ishq’. Karisma will also be starting work on the remake of the classic hit ‘Satte Pe Satta’. The actress apart from films is also busy doing many commercials.