Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone after facing enough criticism has decided to get back in to the Race 2 project, which she had opted out earlier. The actress has decided to return to the film but on her own conditions, which the makers have to consider.

The ‘Om Shanti Om’ actress was earlier severely criticised for opting out of the movie and leaving the producers starving for a replacement. Producer Ramesh Taurani decided to demand heavy compensation from the actress which she could not afford.

Deepika was then asked to return to the project instead of getting in to the monetary hassles. CINTAA general secretary said that the makers and the actress have had a meeting and the actress might soon give her dates to the producers.

The actress on the other hand will be keeping her own conditions in front of the producers after which it would be upon the makers to decide. Padukone has recently been roped in for the lead role in the upcoming Tamil movie ‘Kochadaiyaan’ opposite super star Rajnikanth. The movie will be directed by Rajni’s daughter Soundarya and will be made using technology that has never been used to make an Indian film. Rajni in the movie will be seen doing his own stunts.